Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Camp Granna - Day 2

Warning: lots of photos!!!   :)

Tuesday was “Balloon Pop Day”.  I had placed strips of paper with activities written on them in inflated balloons and let Chandler and Rainey pop them at the time designated on each balloon.  They thought that was pretty cool. 

8:00 AM   The first balloon said “get donuts”, so we did!
9:00 AM The next balloon said “play at the park”.  We got our donuts and went to Little Creek Park.  We ate and then played!! 

Love the expressions on this one and remembering their laughter!! 

We also went to the “musical park”.  It is a park that has outdoor musical instruments.  I started taking  Chandler several years  ago and he has always called it the musical park. 

11:00 AM  Afterwards we came back home to pop another balloon.  This one said “make swirl cupcakes.”  They both love to help in the kitchen and they had fun swirling their cupcakes.  I thought they turned out pretty cute.

1:00 PM After lunch we made our own game equipment using milk jugs.  We made them into scoops and then decorated them with stickers.  Then using a ball we played with our creations. 

2:00 PM  Next we “grew a pet”.  I had bought those grow a pet things that get twice their size when placed in water.  They first put them in the swimming pool and then later we took them in the house and put them in a bowl of water. 
3:00 PM  The last balloon said “ice treasure hunt”.  I had frozen some small toys, coins and such in a pan of water.  They thought that was so cool.  They used hammers and screwdrivers to chisel out the treasures.  I loved hearing their little voices when they would find things.  They were so excited – oh I got a bracelet; I found a quarter, etc.  They both asked to do it again!! 

Late in the afternoon we decided to make a trip to my hometown.  On Monday they had demolished the elementary building where I attended school as a child.  We went to see what treasures I might salvage.  I came away with some brick from the building and several glass blocks.  I don’t know what I want to do with them but I am sure I will think of something.  While there we walked all around the campus and told Chandler and Rainey about my school days and where Grandad and I met.

What is left of my elementary school.    :(

South entrance to my old high school.

West entrance to the old gymnasium where Robert and I met.

Front entrance to the high school.

( In the last several years they have built a new jr. high/sr. high campus and a couple of years ago built a new elementary so none of these buildings are in use except for a couple of offices in the old high school building that they use for administrative offices.) 
They even slid down the fire escape.  I have always wanted to do that but I do not have the arm strength to get myself to the top!!  Chandler and Rainey only slid from the bottom but Robert climbed all the way to the top!!!
Afterwards we went out to visit my brother, Steve and his wife, Tina.  Chandler and Rainey  talked Steve into going to see his horses.  Of course he let them ride and they had a blast. 
Another successful day at Camp Granna!!!

1 comment:

The Links said...

You are such a fun grandma!!!