Monday, February 2, 2009

White Pumkpins and other Austinisms

Austin has been gone for 2 weeks and it is finally time to do the laundry. He called yesterday afternoon and was asking about some specific shirts and what to put them with to wash. He asked about certain shirts- what about the white one with Hollister in green. I told him it was fine with his other t-shirts. He said are you sure- I like that shirt. Austin, seriously I have been washing them that way for months!! We got that squared away and then the conversation went something like this:
Austin: What about the Tide? Do you use a whole capful?
Mom: That's fine.
Austin: Do I just pour it in?
Mom: Yes, you can just pour it on the clothes.
Austin: What about this Downy stuff?
Mom: Do they have a Downy ball?
Austin: No
Mom: Does the agitator have an opening in the top that looks like you can pour something in it?
Austin: What's an agitator?
(In Austin's defense, he did not grow up with a washing machine that has an agitator. Mine is a front loading machine.)
Mom: It is the thing sticking up in the center of the machine. Does it have an opening.
(Austin mumbles something about a lid and then I hear him talking to his roommates.)
Austin: No the lid doesn't open.
Mom: Okay, look in the corners. Is there a cup looking thing in any of the corners?
Austin: No.
Mom: Then forget the Downy.
Austin: (this is priceless) Do I put one of those sheet things in there?
Mom:(trying hard not to laugh) No, Austin, those are dryer sheets. Put one in the dryer when you start to dry the clothes.

My baby boy!!! I hope he misses me a little!!

This story reminds me of one of my other children her first year away at college. I got a voice mail on my cell phone that I wish I could have saved. Kylie had gotten a ticket for speeding in a school zone. In the voice mail she was talking about getting this citation. She was not upset, crying or anything- she was just put out!! She said he told her she would need to go to the municipal court. She said, "I don't know why I need to go to the municipal court for a citation." I nearly died laughing because at that point I realized that she had no idea that a citation meant an actual ticket!! She thought she had gotten a warning and she didn't know why she had to go to court for a warning. They live and learn!!


Nonnas News said...

LOL poor Austin!!Beleive me, they learn to appreciate momma more once they leave home!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny. I can see my brother asking my mom the same question. I'm glad he still looks to you for answers.

Have a good week.

Unknown said...

My sophomore year I got to teach a roommate how to clean and toilet and how to turn up the heat...

Kim said...

LOL...that is hilarious!

I know you are missing hime big time!

Love ya,