Wednesday, January 28, 2009

12 degrees!!!

Yes - when I checked the weather channel this morning to find out the temp where Austin is it was 12 degrees!! Yikes! They didn't call off school there so he had to drag out in the cold and go!!

I have done pretty well this week. I haven't cried yet but did have to fight some tears when I went to the vet this afternoon to get some medicine for Olsen. I decided that I was going to try to wait and let Austin call me and he has everyday so far. He was 3 weeks old when my mother passed away unexpectedly so he has been my little savior. I had this new baby, Britni started kindergarten and Kylie was almost 3. I had to keep going with a new baby so yes - he was spoiled. But so were the girls!! Anyway . . .this book Kylie bought for me says that we plan for things like weddings and babies but we don't "plan" for the empty nest. I sure didn't. I realized that the kids would all grow up and go to college and get married and have families of their own someday but NOBODY said it would happen so quickly. It just slipped up on me all of a sudden and I wasn't ready. I didn't even have time to plan for it!!

I haven't slept well at all since Austin left which is funny - I thought I would actually get some sleep when he left because I wouldn't be waiting for him to get home every night. I wake up in the night and immediately pray for Austin and then Britni and Kylie and then I guess I fall back asleep eventually.

I have the cross that Britni bought for me laying on the kitchen table because I can't decide on the best place to hang it but I see it every time I pass through the kitchen and it reminds me that God is with Austin and will continue to take care of him.

So if you haven't started planning for the empty nest- you might as well get started because I am telling you - it sneaks up on you and happens whether you are ready or not!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

you are sure right about it slipping up on you! I miss my kids everyday,but am so happy with the way they have turned out and the lives they have now and that they are happy and doing ok,plus I wouldnt have my sweet little Avery if life didnt move on like its supposed to, but it sure is hard letting them go, isnt it? Im sure your kids come home every chance they can, just like mine do, if they dont, then I hop in the car and go to them! LOL