Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick Baby Girl

Our precious granddaughter has been battling the flu this week. Grandad and I have been taking turns with Mommy and Daddy on babysitting duties. I went down on Tuesday and Grandad kept her on Wednesday. She has been a pretty sick little girl. When I was there on Tuesday she cried most of the day. I knew she felt so badly and didn't know why. At one point she cried for 30 minutes solid and by then I was crying because I felt so sorry for her but there was nothing I could do to comfort her. It is sad to see her feeling so awful when normally she is so full of energy. The only time she smiles is when Chandler comes home from school. She does love that big brother.


Nonnas News said...

Poor Rainey! I hope she is feeling better soon. Its so hard to see our loved ones sick.Especially our little grandbabies!

AMY said...

Oh that sweet baby! She will bounce back soon. We will pray for a speedy recovery and protection for the rest of the family.

AMY said...

It took all I had not to leave Kylie a comment and ask her if she had any gingham scrubs. She probably would have thought I was crazy!