Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little bit of nothing

I talked to one of my girls yesterday and when asked what I was up to my reply was a "little bit of nothing!!" I just can't seem to get going. When the kids are here I seem to get more done but when they are all gone it is pretty depressing and I find myself not wanting to do much. I have got to snap out of this slump because believe me-there is plenty to do around here. Back during the holidays we had a little problem with the plumbing. Yes - we had to bring in the shop vac and get some people out to figure out the problem. Water was coming in under the toilet and for the longest I couldn't figure it out. I kept thinking the toilet was overflowing but the top would be dry. Anyway...the guys knocked something loose that was stuck in the pipes and we got that all taken care of but we have a panel in the back hallway that gives access to the pipes that go to the bathtub. We were afraid there might be water there so we had them take a look. The people who owned the house before us had painted over the panel so when the guys took it loose it took paint, sheet rock, etc. So to make a long story longer - I had been wanting to paint from the back hallway through the kitchen and the living room because the paint in those rooms had a pinkish peachy cast to it that just was not working with my Coca Cola red kitchen decor nor my Aggie living room decor. Since we were going to have to repair the wall I decided there was no time like the present and I had a couple of free weekends so I did it. My sister-in-law had her guest bedroom painted Castle Path which reminds me of chocolate milk. I decided that would be a great color and it has made such a difference. It really sets off my Coca Cola decor and my chocolate living room furniture looks great with the new color. There is just something about a new coat of paint that gives me a tingly feeling.(is that a real word- sorry Amy :) We have been in the house 2 1/2 years and I have finally painted every room except the entry and our bedroom- which may happen this summer. My husband thinks I am nuts. The first thing when we moved in was to get the sunflowers out of Austin's room. Then I painted the girls room upstairs a beautiful blue called Anchor's Away. My son-in-law still says it is periwinkle. It is so calming and I love walking up the stairs and seeing the blue. Next I repainted the laundry room. I decided I am apparently the only one that uses that room so I painted it baby lotion pink with spring green trim and I love it. Sometime last year I decided to paint the dining room. I wanted a pale blue but I could not come up with the right shade. It was either baby blue or bird egg blue so I went back to my old favorite- Anchor's Away that I painted in the upstairs bedroom. I am on the look out for a long black table that will seat at least 10. And I want black wall decorations so the dining room is still a work in progress. Now that I have gotten the peach in the kitchen covered the last room is the master bedroom. The original owners of the house had wall papered the entire house. The next two owners worked on taking wall paper down and texturing and painting. They also must have put the master bedroom off until last because it still has wallpaper. Not unbearable but I am ready for it to go. I am thinking Castle Path with red and black bedding!!! Ok- that was a lot of baloney that I know you were just dying to know about.

Anyway...Rainey seems to be fully recovered from the flu. She was just a chattering today when I was talking to Britni on the phone. She loves to "read" and be read to. I got her the book "Pinkalicious" for her birthday and I think that it her favorite right now. She kept wanting me to read it to her when I kept her when she was sick. Britni says she has to read it about 50 times a day. But then I remember Britni always getting my mom to read "The Little Red Hen" to her about 50 times a day. Chandler's favorite was "Polar Bear, Polar Bear" and I bet I read "Henry, the Duck" to Austin about a million times. Poor Henry could get into some messes and Austin loved the books about Henry. I don't remember Kylie having a particular favorite. I guess we didn't have any medical books. :) She always liked it when Robert read them books at night and made up stuff that wasn't in the book at all.

Well - this has gone on long enough. I will close and put you out of your misery. My sister-in-law just started blogging so check out her blog at Mom Raun's Musings.

Until next time . .


Nonnas News said...

I hope you post so me pictures of your rooms! Mike and I are redoing the kids bathroom right now. We painted it a chocolate color and accenting with white and blue.

AMY said...

I love this post! I can just hear your energy coming back...and yes I, the word police:), do deem tingly a word. You must post some pics of your painting progress.