Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baby boy left the nest!

Our last little birdie left the nest this morning and this momma has a big ole' hole in her heart. I really am excited for him because I know how it is to want to get out on your own and he does need to be responsible for himself but that doesn't make it hurt any less. And he is going so far away and I don't know when I will get to see him. All three of them grew up way too fast and I don't feel like I had them long enough. You know - did we teach him all that he needs to know and will he remember it and rely on it before he gets in sticky situations. My girls and my sisters have been awesome with their sweet, encouraging words and I know that God will take care of him because He loves Austin even more than I do. I have loved every minute of being their mom.

This is how I feel!!


Kim said...

All I can say my sweet friend is I know what you are going through, I have been there and felt the same feelings and it's NOT fun. Your right when you said it feels like we didn't have them long enough. You are a WONDERFUL mama and I'm so sorry you are hurting!

I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I am positive that you have taught him well. If he is anything like his sisters than he has a good head on his shoulders and will go far.

I hope each day gets a little easier for you.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. On one hand it is exciting but on the other that is your baby! I still have those feelings with Brittany. If you ever get too lonely, I'll bring Dylan over for a visit! lol!!You have done a great job with Austin and you should be very proud of him.

Love you

Seitzs Stories said...

Poor Rainey...just wanted a banana. lol I love you, Mom! You can do it! I can't wait until I get to see you and the rest of the family again. I miss you so much!
I love you - Kylie