Thursday, January 22, 2009

I will survive . . . even though I am not ready to!!

Or at least that's what my daughters think. My girls are soooo sweet and take care of me. Britni bought me a cross to remind me that God has everything under control and is going to take care of Austin. And she bought me some potpourri that I like that I had mentioned to her at one time and some note cards so I can write to Austin. She bought a card that plays the song I'm a Survivor and wrote a sweet, sweet note in it. I told her that I like to read the note over and over but I don't like to hear the song right now. Right now I don't want to be a survivor. I am not ready to feel good about Austin leaving home just yet.

Then yesterday I got a package from Kylie. It is a sweet book about dealing with empty nest. She had included a sweet, sweet note as well. The book is really good and things it says are exactly how I am feeling. It has bible verses that help and bits of wisdom from others that have gone through empty next syndrome and survived. :)

Since I didn't have to work on Monday, Chandler and Rainey spent Sunday night with us. So I had some distractions so I wouldn't totally focus on Austin being gone. We had a little photo shoot. This was a dress that my mother crocheted for Britni when she was a baby. Rainey is actually too tall for it. Chuck took her this week for her 15 month check up and she is 33 1/2 inches tall and weighed 24 lbs 11 1/2 oz. She was off the chart with her height and in the 90-95 percentile with her weight.

I found this outfit the other day and I couldn't resist it for spring and summer. It has little white capri's with the navy trim and it is so precious. I love anything that has that precious smocking!!

Chandler had some homework to do so Prissy thought she would help him out. She crawled up in the chair behind him and thought she was big stuff. Notice Austin's lab, Olsen at the back door. He misses Austin too!!!


Nonnas News said...

It will get better, but its hard going thru the empty nest. I miss mine being kids, but am so proud of who they have become as I know you are yours too. Having the grandbaby(ies) sure helps doesnt it? Call me some weekend and we'll go have lunch together!

Unknown said...

Oh boy... I just sat at the table doing a 4th-grade-project that my 4th grader knew about for weeks and only told me about TODAY... and of course it's due tomorrow.

Thank you for reminding me to treasure even these moments :)

AMY said...

I can only imagine how tough these changes must be. I'm having a difficult enough time with the little ones!

Thanks for always being so encouraging and reminding me to enjoy all of these moments, even when they are INSANE at times. It means more to me than you know.

You and Robert have raised such a wonderful family. The thoughtfullness of your girls just show it even more. I am sure Austin will be back home to visit quite often. Kids just can't resist that unconditional love no matter how old we get!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet thing that your daughters did. I hope the days are getting easier for you.

Seitzs Stories said...

I think Chandler looks a lot like Britni in the last picture. Both of them look older. :'( Stop growing, at least until Kyky gets closer. Love you!