Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More birthdays. . .

Monday was my little brother's birthday. Jim, my little brother is about 6'2" but he will always be my little brother. He was always a fun brother- and still is. I just don't get to see him as often as I would like.

Tuesday would have been Bob's (my father-in-law) 88th birthday - I think. Gunda-as the grandkids called him-was a very special man. He liked to dance with the grandkids or play catch. He always made them smile.

On Friday is my older brother, Steve's birthday. Both of my brothers were big cut ups and we had a lot of fun growing up. On Saturday is Steve's wife- Tina's birthday. She is a sweetheart and is always a lot of fun. We are planning to get together at the Fish Fry to celebrate the birthdays. I can't wait.

Happy Birthday to all of you January family members.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing everyone in your family a Happy Birthday!