Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Headed out on Friday after school to visit Robert's mother. Britni, Chandler and Rainey went with us.

We helped a little with yard work. Went to church on Sunday. Visited with Robert's sister and brother-in-law, Cheryl and Travis.

There is always time for bubbles and . . .

bugs. Rainey squealed when she realized it was on her foot. LOL

Britni needed to do some shopping so we decided to go to College Station. Britni, Rainey and I spent the day visiting A&M campus and shopping around town. They have built a new sculpture that is pretty neat and Rainey liked all the fountains!!

Rainey is always diligent in taking care of her babies!! She is pretty good at changing diapers!

And we have to keep the tootsies all polished for special occasions!!

It was so pretty outside and I tried to get some good pictures of the kids. Most of the time they won't cooperate.

We have had a busy few days. Spring break is passing quickly!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Looks like you all made the most of spring break! Glad you got to enjoy your kids and grandkids!