Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fish Fry

Many years ago for Christmas - my parents started giving us gift certificates - in a little white envelope - to a restaurant called the Fish Fry . Some time in the new year we would all try to go together and eat some great fish!! My daddy continued the tradition after my mother passed away. The first Christmas after my daddy passed away - we were all surprised to get a little white envelope. My sweet brother, Steve took over the tradition. We all got together Friday night to use our certificates - all except my younger brother. We have always gone to the Fish Fry for dinner and then we wouldn't be finished visiting so we would go across the road to Braum's to visit - and of course some in the group would get dessert. Last night was no different. We started going to the Fish Fry back when I was in high school so we have enjoyed a lot of fish and family time over the past several years. Enjoy the pics and if you have never been to the Fish Fry - you might want to give it a try.
We always have a good time together. My older brother is a big cut up and he brought his "special" glasses last night which everyone enjoyed!!

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