Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lazy day!!

So the sun was shining bright through our windows when I awoke at 7:45 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep!! I thought I might as well get up and do something productive. I went downstairs and flipped through the TV channels. I know - that is not very productive but I was trying to get motivated. There was a cute movie called Rebounds playing so I started watching it. After a while I heard hubby moving around upstairs so I decided to make scrambled eggs, biscuits (not homemade this time), gravy and sausage. I love warm breakfast on chilly mornings however I do not cook breakfast during the work week so this is a special treat. Robert let Olsen out of the pen while I finished cooking. After breakfast I had a movie from Netflix called Couples Retreat - so we watched that movie. Notice there has still been no productivity going on here!! After the movie I read some blogs, checked facebook - still nothing productive yet. Then it was time for lunch so I heated up the left over Rotel chicken from dinner last night and heated up some pinto beans. By this time the Aggie men's basketball team was playing tu so of course we had to support the Ags. I decided I at least needed to get out and get some sunshine. I played with Olsen and finally convinced Robert to go walk with me. We got back and I decided that I wanted to try a recipe that I read about on The Link Home blog called Cocoa Pie. I started putting that together while I heated up some leftover pizza and made us a salad. The cocoa pie is cooling on the counter while I type this post. So much for productivity but there is a lot to be said for the lazy day!! Everybody needs a kick-back day every now and then!! Productivity can wait until another day! Off now to try that cocoa pie.

P.S. The Cocoa Pie is wonderful!!! And it is so easy!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Sounds like a nice Saturday to me! I'm off to check that recipe for the cocoa pie! Even though I cant have any right now!! LOL