Wednesday, October 21, 2009

State Fair

On Sunday, Kylie, Steven, Robert and I went to the fair.

Kylie had been once when she was younger but I don't think Steven had ever been. We first stopped by the Chevrolet tent to test drive some new vehicles - namely the yellow Camaro. Steven wants one in the worst way.

We then had a Flecther's corndog. We didn't even know they were the best but a man behind us was telling us all about them. And it was really good. We walked on and watched a group of belly dancers (Robert's favorite part.) hee hee They were some "healthy" dancers. Steven wanted to see some more cars so Kylie and I headed a different direction. We just walked around seeing the sites and met back up with Steven and Robert later and checked out the Corvettes and then watched the bird show. The birds really are amazing. The bald eagles are always my favorite. They are so beautiful!

On the way to the ferris wheel we saw a bagpipe band. They are always neat to hear.

The line for the ferris wheel was incredibly long so we pooled our coupons and got funnel cakes instead. We were worn out by this time so we headed home. It was a fun day and I enjoyed getting to spend time with Kylie and Steven and my hubby - of course.

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

What a fun day! Mike and I went last week, it was fun seeing all the exhibits!