Thursday, October 22, 2009

A leaf is nothing more than a summer's wave goodbye..

I was letting Austin's dog, Olsen out of the pen today and while I was outside I couldn't help noticing the beauty in my own backyard!! I thought I would share a few pics. This tree is amazing. In the spring it puts on beautiful white flowers and then it has spectacular green leaves. Then at this time of year they turn a deep reddish maroon color. It is neat to watch it change throughout the year.

The berries on this bush start out green and eventually turn the brightest Christmas red before the birds eat them all!!

This tree is on the far side of the swimming pool and we have the perfect view from the back window. It's colors have been beautiful this year.

I picked these leaves up off the ground. I was amazed out how many different colors I found. Each one was just a little bit different. Wish Chandler, Rainey and Noah were here to play in the leaves with me!!

Oh give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people! Sing to him; sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!

Psalm 105:1-2

I believe these wonderful fall colors are definitely a part of God's "wondrous works".


Nonnas News said...

I think that is why Fall is my favorite season, I just love all the colors.

Nonnas News said...

I think that is why Fall is my favorite season, I just love all the colors.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos.

God is SO wonderful.