Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Wouldn't it be great if I could spell or if spell check would catch all of my errors!!?? Robert usually does it for me but he was busy mowing the yard before the rain hits today. So in the previous post - Rainey grabbed her tummy and actually said "scared" rather than "sacred". :) It really irritates me after I have posted something and then I go back the next day and re-read it and there are errors. We bought a new laptop in August and when we are typing it sometimes skips letters- even if you press them. So I always go back and re-read my posts about 4 times before I submit - but then I still miss some things. Just a little pet peeve of mine!! (Thought ewe mite bee interested.) LOL If I've misspelled something in this post- I am blaming it on the computer. :)

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