Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend visit

Austin was home for the weekend. We went to Chuck and Britni's on Saturday night and spent the night so he could visit with his sisters and their families. It was a fun visit but the time is always too short. Austin left after lunch today headed back to school.

Buddies!! Causing a little conflict at the Johnson household.

Rainey lovin' on Uncle Austin.

Street ball -

Rainey was in hog heaven playing football in the street with her daddy and uncles.

And a little bike riding!! (Or maybe I should say - riding a little bike.) I warned them that they would find themselves on the blog. LOL

Happy Labor Day!


Rebecca said...

It looks like y'all had a great time! What a cute family :)

AMY said...

Fun weekend! I love your new photo in the header. Rainey is getting so big!