Thursday, September 17, 2009

No recess again??!!!

Rain, rain go away.
Come again some other day.
The teachers want the kids to go out and play!!!

I really am thankful for the rain but oh my goodness when the students can't get out and run off some of that pent up energy - it gets wild!! There was a break in the rain at our recess time today so we took them out and let them play/visit under the pavillion. We were out there maybe 10 minutes when it started in again. We are soooo saturated!!!

I kept Chandler and Rainey yesterday afternoon so Britni and Chuck could attend a funeral. I got out an umbrella that belonged to my children when they were little and let Chandler take it home. It is the same umbrella that I let Chandler take to the shower when he was visitng a couple of summers ago. It wasn't raining at the time and he thought it was pretty neat to get in the shower with an unbrella!!! Little Rainey has been wearing her sweet zebra print raincoat and rainboots all week. I think she likes her little boots!

1 comment:

Kim said...

oh girl, i bet you are ready for those kids to get outside and run run run...i can only imagine how wild it must be.

i had to laugh at chandler and austin both in the texas tech t-shirts. uncle austin has a lot of influence....GO RAIDERS
