Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wreck 'em, Tech!

Robert and I headed west Friday morning to visit Austin for Parents' Weekend at Texas Tech.

We got to Lubbock and checked into our hotel and then went to Austin's house since Robert had not seen where he lived. Then we headed to the mall. Austin was in need of a few necessities - shoes, shirts, etc. Aren't they always in need of something??!! That evening we ate at China Star which is a very good Chinese food buffet. After stuffing ourselves we went back to Austin's for a little while and then called it a night. Austin had to go in to work on Saturday morning so he came over early for breakfast. After Austin left for work Robert and I ran a few errands which included lunch at - you guessed it - Raising Cane's before heading to the stadium for the game.

Yes - I am obsessed with Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers!! Oh well . . .
Here are some pictures from the game.

They were trying to "pink out" the stadium for breast cancer awareness and the band formed the signature ribbon at half-time. It was pretty cool.

Texas Tech won the game 48-28 against New Mexico. Wreck 'em, Tech!

One of the landmarks on campus is a statue of Will Rogers and his horse, Soapsuds. According to one legend, the statute was to appear as if he could be riding off into the sunset but Soapsuds' rear was facing downtown. To solve this problem, the statue was turned 23 degrees to the east so the horse's rear would face in the direction of Texas A&M which is an insult for the Aggies in this family. Before every home football game the statue is wrapped in red crepe paper.

Since there was a good chance of rain, Robert decided to purchase rain ponchos at Wal-mart. They only had Red Raider ponchos!!

After the game we went to Austin's to watch the Aggies pitiful loss to Arkansas. Then we went to Walmart to get Austin some groceries!! :) On Sunday morning we met Austin at IHOP for breakfast and then we headed back home. We had a great time and I really hated to leave Austin. It is so far!!!!!!


AMY said...

Mark and I lived in West Texas when we were first married. We enjoyed the Raiders games! I hope you guys didn't feel too much like traitors ;)

Anonymous said...

I know Austin was glad to see you both.

Have a wonderful weekend.