Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, precious Rainey!!

Today is our little grandaughter's 2nd birthday. She is such a doll. Rainey definitely has her own personality and she is pretty funny. She jabbers up a storm and is the boss. We have a ninety pound lab that is way bigger than she is but she bosses him around. She says in a stern voice - Sit down, boy!! and he usually listens to her.

Here she is this morning just after waking up. Wild hair!!

We had her party on Saturday with family at our house. We finished up her banner late Friday night. Then we went to the attic looking for some of Kylie's Aggie stuff that she wanted to take home.

While in the attic the girls got to looking through their boxes of stuff and Kylie found some of her "medical toys". We thought it was pretty funny that she had several toys when she was younger that had a medical conotation and then she ended up as a Labor & Delivery nurse.

This was about 2 in the morning when we were taking this little trip down memory lane!!! :)

On Saturday morning we all headed to Countryfest and the girls saw several classmates from high school and other friends that they got to visit with. We got a funnel cake and some free stew from one of Kylie's friends. It was really good!! Then we headed home to straighten and set up for the party.

Here is the birthday girl. Britni made her little dress and a friend's mom monogrammed the "R" on the front.

Rainey kept blowing out the candles before we could sing to her. Then when it was time to blow them out she would just do little puffs of air!

Rainey's mommy and daddy got her a pink kitchen set for her birthday. It is sooo cute. We got her these pink and blue pots and pans and cookie sheets for her kitchen.

I made her this little apron because if she is going to be doing all that cooking - she will need an apron.

She got some other kitchen utensils and some cute outfits from other guests including this one from Aunt Ann's family.

Another big hit with Rainey was the gift from Aunt Ky Ky and Uncle Steven. It was a "You and Me" baby doll. You can press its hands and feet and it makes different cooing and gurgling sounds. You press its nose and it sneezes and its eyes close and open. Then it comes with a little blood pressure cuff, medicine syringe, thermometer and a stethescope and when you place the stethescope on the baby's chest you can hear its little heart beat. It is pretty cute and Rainey loves it. She is a little mommy and loves her baby dolls.

Here are a few shots of some of the party animals.

Chandler is under the gift bag. LOL

Little, sweet Rainey- These have really been 2 short years. You are such a blessing to us and we love you so much!! Happy Birthday, sweet girl.


Kim said...

happy birthday sweet rainey. it looks like you had a great birthday.

time goes so quickly, it is hard to believe she is already two.


Nonnas News said...

Looks like she had a fun party!!Happy Birthday Rainey!

ashley said...

what a fun party! She's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the pink and zebra theme.

Happy Birthday Rainey!

Kim said...

oh my lisa, i just realized when i stopped back by that you made that apron...that is cute! you are a very talented lady.

i am responding to your question that you ask. first of all that was so sweet of you to say that. the dress vivi has on in the picture is just from old navy, the tights are from walmart, the shoes are from target and the tie was snatched out of max's closet. i seriously get most of viv's things at goodwill (if you look hard enough you can find some great pieces), i have gotten several things at a wonderful estate sale that i came across(all vintage goodies), and target. i do buy her a few really good things to add in. i love MJC and i love to find etsy shops that have unique clothing (retro style is my fav right now.) we have been so blessed that even though lil viv has grown a LOT this year it is only upward and not around so she will be able to wear all her clothes from last fall and winter...YAY!!! so i am just adding a little to what she already has. now shoes are a different story...the girl is 5 and wears a 13.5 shoe. she will either be a model or play for the WNBA...hehehe. i want to get my sewing machine out and get busy, i have material and ideas but have no time. anyway, i better get to bed....have a great week!
