Monday, August 3, 2009

Camp Granna - day 3

Chandler and Rainey wrote letters to Mommy and Daddy (or double D as Chandler referred to Chuck) from camp. LOL

Chandler finished his craft project which was a vase of flowers for his Mommy's birthday. He plans for her to put it on her desk or shelf at school.

Today while Rainey was taking a nap Chandler and I hit a few golf balls around the yard and then we tried a little badminton.

And of course we did some swimming when Rainey woke up!!

After lunch we headed back to Wylie to spend the night because Rainey had dance class on Tuesday morning. After dance class we celebrated Britni and Steven's birthdays. Chuck cooked steaks on the grill and we had baked potatoes and salad and of course - birthday cake.

After spending time with the birthday girl and boy we headed back home to finish Camp Granna. Chandler and Rainey had to check the progress on the beans which were beginning to sprout!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

I wanna attend Camp Granna, it looks like so much fun! LOL

I havent had much to blog about lately. I do need to get back to it though.