Monday, July 6, 2009

The sound of music - not hardly!!

Okay- so I had just come off of an emotional week having left Austin in Lubbock. You think your family would have mercy - but noooooo not this clan. If anyone is having a milestone birthday this family does it up right. I had gotten home about 9:30 or so Friday evening and Kylie had come in to "hang out" for the weekend since Steven was in Houston and Britni and the children had come in "because she needed a break". Those should have been red flag warning signs!! But I was tired and not thinking clearly. Since my big 5-0 birthday was coming up on Tuesday my husband, children, brother, sisters, brothers-in-law and sister-in-law decided to do something on Saturday because I would be tired from the Lubbock trip and I wouldn't be expecting it and boy were they right. About 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 27 I was abruptly (more like rudely) awakened by a clanging sound. I thought Robert had knocked something over or whatever and then I thought - nope, that is my family!! Chandler and I were sound asleep in my bed when they all came in clanging on pots and pans and blowing whistles and such.

I had told the girls that I was likely to cry if they tried anything on this birthday because 50 is not setting very well with me. Britni leaned over to check on me because she thought I was crying - but I wasn't. I just thought - they got me again!

They were just laughing and having a great time. I said you better have brought breakfast and they had. They brought donuts, homemade banana nut muffins, a breakfast casserole, juice and birthday cake!! I collect Coca Cola stuff so Britni had the lady use the Coke decor.

They also brought "nice" cards and gifts but I better not reveal them on my blog but I did get some monkey butt powder and some nice undies. LOL Chandler drew this nice picture of him and me.

They are a crazy bunch but I love them!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Looks like you had a great 5-0!!! Its hard to beleive we are 50, it sounds so old to me, but trying to make the best of it! We are as young as we feel!!Happy belated 50!!!!