Sunday, July 5, 2009

Seeing red (and black)

Went out west a couple of weeks ago for orientation. It seems that we are going to have to incorporate a little red and black into our wardrobe this year as Austin is going to be a Red Raider.

You remember when I posted back in January about Austin leaving the nest - well it was harder going out there with him and then leaving him there!!! I had several emotional break downs during the trip starting the day we left for Lubbock. My first breakdown was on the other side of Fort Worth and we still had several hours to drive so I tried to get myself together. About 77 miles from Lubbock I had my second break down which lasted several miles (about 77) and I realized it was going to be a hard week.

Shortly after check in and Austin is not wanting me to take any picutres on this trip as evidenced by his expression!!

The first day of orientation we went to the book store to get a course catalog. I had willed myself to buy some Tech apparel in support of my son but I was having to fight the tears so hard that I only purchased stickers for our vehicles!! I promised that I would get it together and do better the remainder of orientation. The second day they had advising and that's when we realized that when we checked in they had given Austin the wrong sheet. There were apparently 2 other Austin Taylors at this particular orientation. They had given our Austin the sheet that had Business major on it and therefore sent him to the business school for advising. I was in the parents advising session when Austin texted me and asked if I could change his major back to business and we texted back and forth and I realized he was not with the phys ed majors!! The students were supposed to go through this session with their college and then set up an appointment with an advisor for that afternoon to plan their schedule for registration the next morning. At lunch Austin told me that the lady told him to come the next morning and she would tell him what to take. I was trying so hard not to freak out but I knew this lady would be helping the students that were already majors and I didn't have a clue when she would talk to Austin and when he would be able to register. Third breakdown - and I was trying so hard NOT to cry in the student union building in front of other parents and students because I knew Austin who surely die of embarrassment. While I am having this emotional battle Austin very disgruntled with me said, "What are you crying for?!" We left the SUB trying to decide what we needed to do. He asked for help and they sent us to the Phys Ed building which was no help because he had already decided to switch back to business. At this point I had almost decided to just left him figure it all out on his own but I knew if I left the next day without helping him get things squared away that there is no telling what courses he would take that he didn't need so I found a phone number and they told us to go to advising and we got some answers and he scheduled an appointment with an advisor. We went immediately to the Sonic for a LARGE coke with extra ice and I was finally able to get my senses back. While Austin met (on his own) with an advisor who suggested some courses, I went to a couple of shops and purchased some Tech t-shirts. Yea me! That evening we went to the library so Austin could familiarize himself with the registration process at Tech and then the next morning he went (on his own again) to register!! I looked at his schedule and feigned excitement (only because I wanted to help) over his accomplishment, however I am very proud that he took the initiative in all of this even though it was all I could do to keep from telling him what to do and when to do it!!

Maybe we are both growing up. :) The next day after we did the Wal-mart/grocery thing so he wouldn't starve and a trip to my all time favorite - Raising Cane's - for lunch, it was time for me to had home. When he hugged me I no longer had control of the the tears.

His roommate, Jordan was there so Austin quickly escorted me outside. I did well on the way home. No I didn't cry all the way!! Anyway. . .I know he will be fine but it is soooooo far away!!!!!


Karol Ann said...

I dread these days! Jacob's 11 this summer so time is ticking! One of the elders at our church has a son there who is a GREAT kid! He's home for a couple of weeks, so I'll give him Austin's age. He'll be a junior, but he is the same age as Austin (he'll be 21 on August 14th). His name is Michael Atilano. Wonderful Christian young man who is VERY bright. He was an orientation leader, too. Hang in there mom!! love you. and Happy late bday!

Rhonda said...

I felt the same way when I left Shae at college 6 hours away from me.