Monday, June 15, 2009

Summertime fun!!

Wow!!! It has been a while but I have been busy. As soon as school was out I had Rainey for a week since Britni's school went through the first week of June. Then the next week Britni had doctor's appointments and workshops so I had both kids last week. We had a good time with the grandkids and I am making plans for Camp Granna which will be later on in the summer. Here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks. Chandler's little baseball team won their division and then they won the World Series Championship and he brought his trophies to show me.

Silly girl.

Chandler has always liked to help around the house. He is such a sweetheart!!

We spent a lot of time in the pool these last couple of weeks. Chandler has always had fun swimming and his little sister loves it as well!!

Doesn't my little handsome boy look too old!!

What a sweet little belly!! :)

You know - it is also fun to swim in your pajamas!!

Austin has been here for the summer and Chandler has really enjoyed that because Uncle Austin will play baseball with him!!

What precious kids - with a little mischief mixed in!! :)

Hope you are having a great summer as well!!


johnson said...

As soon as I am done posting, I am headed to your house to jump in that cool, blue swimming pool. Our A/C just went out and we are burning up!!! Love the post!!!

Nonnas News said...

Looks like your having a fun summer with those grand kids!! My Avery is coming to see me this weekend and I cant wait, its been too long!!

Anonymous said...

Just precious! The grandkids are extremely lucky to have such wonderful grandparents!