Monday, May 4, 2009

Blessings . . .

I haven't seen these babies all week and I am missing them!! Look at the eyes and tell me there is no mischief there!! :)

Chandler is so much fun! It is so neat to hear him reading everything!! He sounds out words everywhere - on signs and products in stores, etc. and it is amazing how quickly that happened. I can't believe his kindergarten year is almost over. He has learned so much and is such a sweet boy and he is ALL boy!!

The princess loves to be read to, loves taking care of her baby dolls and loves that cell phone. She is constantly jabbering. Sometimes it is real words and sometimes it is her own language and then she laughs like she has said something funny!!

They have both been such blessings!!


Anonymous said...

You are very blessed with two very precious grandchildren. I love all your pictures.

Seitzs Stories said...

I am trying to "Rainey-proof" the know how well that worked last time. lol I'm ready to see all of you people! What a fun weekend we will have! :)