Tuesday, April 28, 2009

23, 22, 21 . . .

The countdown is on!!! 21 school days left!! Yep - that is all!!! Actually this year has passed rather quickly. We are finishing up TAKS testing this week and then we will finish up course work and a reading project the last 4 weeks. They always throw in a talent show, field day, band program and awards assembly so those activites will take up some time. We went on a field trip today and I am glad that is over!! Actually it wasn't so bad but the 1 1/2 hour drive each way on a yellow dog with 60 fifth graders is pretty exhausting. We went to the East Texas Oil Museum. It was pretty interesting and the kids were pretty well behaved. I bought my grandson some "rattlesnake eggs" at the gift shop and I can't wait to give them to him! LOL

I am afraid that the summer vacation will pass quickly as well. We will have Camp Granna, move Steven and Kylie and will help Chuck and Britni move ONE more time!!! We have moved them about 10 times during their married life but that is a whole other post!!!


Nonnas News said...

Busy, busy time of the year for you! I know you are looking forward to summer break. Sounds like you are gonna be very busy moving kiddos. I know you will find lots of time for those grandkids too!Im so proud for Kylie! Have a good week!

Seitzs Stories said...

hahahaha...no joke. Britni and Chuck's moving saga is quite comical! Either you or Britni need to write a post about all of their moves. I love you and CAN NOT wait to be closer!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Rhonda said...

Hooray for the end of school and the beginning of summer vacation!