Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who likes broccoli????

Well, I do if it is blond and blue-eyed. :) I went to see Chandler's little kindergarten music program on Thursday evening.

Yes - I drove an hour and 15 minutes each way to watch his class do one song. So what??? I didn't get a very good picture of the precious broccoli because he stood up and then sat down so quickly.

The program was about going to Grandpa's Farm and each class did something different. One of the classes was dressed as different animals. Another class did a song about chickens. Chandler's class was all about the vegetables. At the end of the program, they sang their school song - Bulldog Boogie. They have Bulldog Boogie every Friday morning and I think they really get into it!!

One of his friends mentioned going to Ci Ci's Pizza after the program and Chandler wasn't very happy because they weren't going.

Here is Chandler and a couple of his best buds. Aren't they cute!!

The program was pretty cute and I am glad I went.


Nonnas News said...

How cute! I hope I get to go to some of Avery's little programs when she starts school! Your such a good GrannaLisa!!

Kim said...

That is the best looking broccoli I have ever seen!!!
