Monday, March 16, 2009

What's missing????

Chandler lost his first tooth last Thursday evening but not his sense of humor and goofy face pictures!! When I got to Britni's she was worn out from a long day at school so we decided to go to Scotty P's for dinner. While we were there Chandler showed me his loose tooth. He had ordered a hamburger and had only taken a couple of bites and was not acting interested in it. We decided he was afraid that the tooth might come out and he would swallow it. He said he could feel the bottom and I told him it was probably just hanging on by a thread. I took a napkin and tried to get a hold on it but it didn't come out. There was a little blood on the napkin and Chandler saw it. Then I guess he pushed with his tongue and it did come out. He stuck out his tongue and there was this tiny, tiny tooth. I didn't think it was the tooth at first because it was so tiny. Once it was out we were all excited and I asked if he wanted a chocolate shake. I thought he deserved one after that. He said, "My tummy doesn't feel good." I think the blood scared him. He laid down on the seat beside me and went right to sleep!! That was pretty traumatic!!

Waiting on the tooth fairy!


AMY said...

What a hilarious little face! I hope the tooth fairy is very generous after such a tough time.

Nonnas News said...

Cute faces! Im sure all was ok once the tooth fairy delivered! LOL

Anonymous said...

I hope the tooth fairy treated him well. What cute pictures!

Kim said...

That picture of Chandler is priceless! I can't get over how much he has grown....too fast that is forsure.

Love you,