Sunday, March 15, 2009

The end . . .

. . .of spring break, that is!! Wednesday and Thursday I finished painting my bedroom and it looks great. I am now waiting for my interior decorator (Britni) to come and show me how to decorate. I will post pictures when it is all put together!! My baby boy came home on Wednesday night. I wasn't expecting him until Thursday so it was a nice surprise. I went to Britni's on Thursday afternoon and spent a couple of days. Rainey and I hung out on Friday and went to eat lunch at school with Chandler. Kindergarten lunch is pretty wild!! Here is Rainey fixing her hair before going to Chandler's school.

We were busy during the weekend. We played a little golf.

Played with balloons.

Took care of the baby and did some shopping. I love how she crosses her little feet.

And we did a little spring cleaning!!

More on spring break tomorrow!!


Nonnas News said...

Looks like Rainey got a lot accomplished during spring break!! LOL

Too cute!!

ashley said...

Looks like you had a fun spring break! Not long until summer!!!