Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Break Update

Okay - so it is only Tuesday but so far I have only done a couple of things on my spring break list. I have slept a little later than normal, haven't cooked a thing, I have talked to my children each day, but then I had to throw in a couple of visits to the dentist. I had to go to an endodontist yesterday for a root canal and I will go to the regular dentist today. Not fun at all!!! Maybe then I can get busy on painting my bedroom and other things I want to get done. Coach Baird came out yesterday morning and he and Robert put the texture on the two walls that had wallpaper so it is now ready for the painting!! On Friday I will keep my granddaughter. We will have lunch (actually brunch since their lunch time is 10:30) at school with Chandler. Then we will hang out on Saturday and Britni and I will go for a massage on Saturday afternoon. Britni gave me a massage for Christmas and one for herself so we will take full advantage of that. (Kylie - we will all go when you are done with school in May. I am sure you will need it!!! )


Anonymous said...

I hope your teeth get to feeling better. I've only had one root canal but it was very painful!

Enjoy your break and your massage!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a busy lady!!!

AMY said...

Dental stuff aside, it looks like you are off to a great spring break! Enjoy.