Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines weekend

I got to spend Valentine's weekend with 3 of my favorite Valentines - my wonderful husband and 2 of our precious grandchildren.

Chuck and Britni went to a couples retreat/conference thing so we got to keep the babies. We usually go to Lee's China for dinner on Valentine's so we took the kids this time. Chandler said he didn't want to go to China so I had to convince him that we were going to a Chinese restaurant-not actually China!! Rainey loved the Chinese food - but Chandler - not so much!! We stopped by Burger King on the way to get Chandler some chicken fries since he is a pretty picky eater. Chandler was pretty intrigued by the cooks- especially when the flames would go really high!!

Lovin' me some Chinese food!! :)

We gave Chandler a set of golf clubs for Christmas and he has been taking golfing lessons. He wanted to show (teach) me some things so this afternoon we played outside for a little bit.

Giving sister a few pointers.

Taking a swing. Recognize the coat, KyKy??!! From about 22 years ago!!

These are for you Aunt Kyky. She may get some hair after all!!

We had a good time with the kids, but we sure missed getting to see Kylie, Steven, Austin, Noah, Erin and Trevor!!


Nonnas News said...

What a nice Valentines weekend you had with those grandbabies!! Looks like you all had a great time together.

I'll get to see my sweetpea this coming weekend-we are gonna celebrate Mike's 50th birthday.(a little late!)

Kayla said...

you're too cute. Thanks for keeping china 'on the mind'...I really appreciate it! TAKS (BARF)...thank goodness we don't have that kinda thing here in the international school system...i think i would've quit teaching by now if I had to deal with TAKS..more power to ya! Take care!!