Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blah, blah, blah!!

I am feeling blah!! No, not due to empty nest - just allergies/cold/sinus infection or whatever. I have sort of adjusted to empty nest but Austin's room looks so . . .clean. LOL You thought I was going to say lonely didn't you!!! It is still pretty lonely/quite around here but I am still trying to get used to the fact that they have all grown up and are trying to or have become independent which my head says it's what they are supposed to do but my heart doesn't like the fact that it happened so quickly.

On the other side of blah - Austin may be coming in this week for a visit. Yea!!! I talk to him daily but I have not gotten to kiss his sweet face since January 18th!! Chandler is having a birthday this week and his party will be on Saturday so Austin will come in on Wednesday after his last class to visit a few days and be here for the party. Also - Kylie and Steven will be coming in on Thursday!! Doubly sweet!! I haven't seen them since January 2 I believe and I really don't like not seeing my kids often!!! Talking to them on the phone is not the same!! Pray for Austin and Kylie this week. Austin has applied for a couple of jobs and he is going back on Monday to check. He really needs a job!! Kylie will be going to a job fair on Saturday morning and she also really needs a job!! Have a great week everyone!!


Kim said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. I had the same CRUD 2 weeks ago.

Sounds like you have a lot to look forward's always good when you're with your kids.

Rest up....I think you might feel better if you stay home from school tomorrow... :-)


Anonymous said...

I hope this week goes by fast for you--I know you are ready to see your kiddos.

I wish Austin and Kylie the very best of luck with their job search.

Have a wonderful week.