Tuesday, February 24, 2009

4 score and 7 years ago . . .

No actually just 6 very short years ago - our very first grandchild was born and my world has not been the same. Chandler came into this world at 8 lbs 11 3/4 oz. His skin was so soft and velvety and his soft angel hair shimmered. I watched him eat. I watched him sleep. I became utterly useless. I couldn't remember what I did with myself before he came. What a precious gift from God!!!

Chandler has been such a blessing. When he was 2 or 3 I taught him to cross his fingers and we would say "Chandler and Granna-like that" meaning we were good buddies. We were tight!! I can still ask him now if Chandler and Granna are "like that" with my fingers crossed and he will say yes!

He is so smart and sweet and such a boy!! He is a wonderful big brother. They are so sweet to watch. When I kept Chandler and Rainey a couple of weeks ago when they would wake up in the morning she would go to big brother and they would just hug each other. It was soooo sweet. I hope they are always the best of friends.

Chandler- I hope you have a very special day!!! I love you so much - Granna


Nonnas News said...

What a sweet boy! I hope he had a super birthday!! Its hard to beleive he is already 6 years old!

AMY said...

Happy Birthday to that sweet little cookie crumb! He must be growing bigger and sweeter from all that Granna sugar :-)

Thanks for your encouragement, I really needed it today!