Thursday, January 8, 2009


You will never figure it out so let me just tell you. It is death spelled backward. No I am not trying to be morbid. We have just had a lot of it lately!! One of my cousins passed away before Christmas and it seems to come in 3's. One of my former students was killed during the holidays. My brother-in-law's mother passed away this week and another one of my cousins passed away last night. I got to school today and found out that the mother of one of my co-workers had passed away. WOW!!

My brother-in-law's mother was a sweet, sweet lady and the pastor at the service said that death has always been looked at as something dark. You know people always used to wear dark clothing and then funeral cars were always black. Well- he said it shouldn't be that way. He wished all the funeral cars were white and maybe have polka dots- something fresh and cheery. Yes- our human nature is selfish- we don't want to see our loved ones go but wow- when they meet the Lord God Almighty they are made whole- fresh and cheery. I try to imagine meeting God. I think when my daddy met God he walked right up to him and heartily shook his hand. I know there's not supposed to be any tears in heaven, but I think when my mother met God she was so excited that she shed happy tears. When Austin was in Little League, he scored the winning run in one of the games and as he crossed the plate his coached grabbed him and raised him up high. I think that's the way it is- that God is there as we cross that plate and grabs us and holds on tight!!!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,“ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

And isn't it great to know where our eternal future is!!


Seitzs Stories said...

I'm sorry you have had to go through all of this all at once. But what a sweet way to think about what these loved ones are doing now. I love you and miss you too. I can't wait to see you again!

Nonnas News said...

Great post!!! You are so right about that. I know my grandmother looked forward to dying and I know she is in heaven having a grand time visiting with all her relatives and friends there. I still miss her terribly and she has been gone for 27 years.

Anonymous said...

I sorry to hear about all of your losses but Praise Him that you can have comfort and peace in your heart.

AMY said...

Thanks for such a beautiful post! Wonderful writing! I love the analogy of us crossing the plate to find God waiting to hold us up and give us a big bear hug. Oh what a feeling that evokes!

Nonnas News said...

Lisa, Im gonna set my blog to private so shoot me an email with your email address so I can add you to have access.