Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

While the kids were all here during Thanksgiving weekend, Britni, Kylie, Chandler and Rainey helped to put up the tree and other decorations.

Rainey loves the ornament that changes colors and she kept trying to pull it off to get a closer look.

Chandler likes my Rudolph porch decoration.

While we were decorating the tree, Olsen came to the window. Rainey was trying to give him sugars through the window.

Chandler needed an ice cream break.

The Princess was a busy girl all weekend. She danced with the musical snowman.

She took care of her baby.

Played the Wii with Chandler and Aunt KyKy.

And she helped me clean out my drawers in the kitchen. She had to do something to keep busy. Her mommy decided that it was time to give up the pacifier. Rainey has done great without it. Britni puts her in her crib at night and she goes right to sleep. And she doesn't miss it at all during the day because - like I said - she is BUSY!! :)

We had a good time while the family was at home and I can't wait for Christmas to have them all back again.


Kim said...

What sweet pictures of your sweet babies. It looks like the had fun at Granna's house...as always :-)

Love you my sweet friend,

Nonnas News said...

So cute!!! I love all the pictures!

Nonnas News said...

So cute!!! I love all the pictures!

Anonymous said...

I like all of your pictures. Looks like you had great help!