Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Dear Family and Friends-

Merry Christmas!! It has been a busy year for us but we have been blessed with a wonderful family, great friends and good health.

The kids are doing well. Britni and Chuck made a move closer to home this summer. They miss College Station but Britni is teaching 2nd grade and loves it. Chuck is working with ice cream again so we get free ice cream occasionally!! Their son, Chandler Richard, will turn 6 in February and is in kindergarten this year. He is so handsome and is absolutely wonderful. He has been such a blessing. He loves school and has made lots of friends. Chandler played soccer this fall and Chuck helped to coach his basketball team. It has been so much fun- watching him grow and learn new things every day. He has the best disposition and is so entertaining!! Their baby girl, Rainey Jordan, turned 1 in October and she is beautiful. You cannot imagine the amount of pink that one little baby girl has accumulated!! She is a busy girl and she is so much fun!! She started walking at 10months and she is a girl on the move!! Rainey loves her brother. Chandler is a wonderful big brother and he loves his baby sister.

Kylie graduated last December from Texas A&M University. Whoop!! She was the nanny for Rainey during the spring and then was accepted into nursing school and then started nursing school in May – 15 days after getting married. YIKES!! Yes – Steven proposed last year at Thanksgiving. The plan was to get married at the end of June, but then she was accepted into the one year accelerated nursing program which started May 18th so we had to move the wedding up to the beginning of May. It was a pretty wild ride there for a while but the wedding was beautiful. Steven is also a graduate of Texas A&M and is in his 2nd year of teaching. Kylie will graduate in May from nursing school with her BS in nursing and will be an RN and is planning to work in labor and delivery. She is really excited about nursing.

Austin is attending the junior college for now and plans to attend A&M or somewhere in the fall. He is keeping busy with school and is working at the bank here in town.

Trevor and Erin keep busy with jobs and enjoying Noah. Noah is 2 and is all boy. He has red hair and the most infectious smile. We don’t get to see him as often so we haven’t gotten him as spoiled as we would like.

Robert moved to the junior high last year to teach math and is enjoying it so much better than the high school. He is also driving a bus. I am still teaching 5th grade and run to see the girls as often as I can. We attended Robert’s 40 year high school class reunion in the fall. It was fun meeting his running buddies from high school.

We hope you have been just as blessed during this year and will be again in 2009. Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year and may God bless you and your family!!

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