Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am thankful for . . .

. . . my salvation, God's blessings including my family, my friends, my health and so much more!!
It was amazing having my children, their spouses and grandchildren home for a few days. I enjoyed visiting, eating, playing games, eating, shopping, eating, watching movies, eating, checking out Clark Griswald's house with all of the lights and watching a football game or two. While we had everyone at home, Britni wanted to do some family photos for Christmas cards so we decided to do pictures of the whole gang. I took a few (about 400) of Britni's family and then I called my sweet sister, Ann to come out and take our whole family. I thought they turned out pretty good for a couple of amateurs. We went down the road from our house to do some where the trees cover the road and we waited until it was a little too dark but I thought they turned out pretty good anyway.

Of course it it fun taking pictures of 2 of my favorite subjects.
Kylie was my assistant and it took all of us sometimes to keep the princess focused!

We watched the Aggies play but sadly the score did not turn out like we wanted!! :(

And then all too quickly the vacation ended and they had to go back home to school and jobs.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!!


Nonnas News said...

great photos!! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!!

Unknown said...

What a GORGEOUS family!!!! you are so blessed!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love your pictures. They are so good!!

Your family is beautiful!!

Kim said...

Beautiful family that is for sure!

Merry Christmas,