Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All My Children

No, not the soap opera!! :) All my children are home. Britni, Chandler and Rainey got here about 6 or so and Steven and Kylie made a little after 11. Chuck has to work tomorrow so he will be here sometime in the afternoon. I plan on relaxing and enjoying this special time with my family!! I have truly been blessed with a wonderful husband of 28 years, wonderful, healthy children and grandchildren and wonderful sons-in-law who love my daughters!!
Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you during this holiday season.


Nonnas News said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!
We will be celebrating it with our kids on Saturday here at my house. Aaron has to work Thanksgiving Day and Ashley will be at her inlaws. So Thursday wil be a quiet one with my mom,brother and sister in law.

Unknown said...

Awww - how wonderful!

happy Thanksgiving!!