Sunday, October 19, 2008

Texas State Fair

Britni and Robert had never been to the state fair so we decided to take a little trip on Saturday. Britni, Chuck, Chandler and Rainey along with other family members Ann, Kristie, Dylan, Robert and myself enjoyed a long day at the fair. We were worn out!! I wasn't sure that I would be able to get up this morning and we walked all day!! We had a state fair corn dog along with chicken fried bacon and a fried moon pie!! Yum!! Enjoy the pics.

Chandler and Dylan loved the Crazy Mouse but Britni- as you can tell - did not!! Ann was a real trooper. I was afraid she might have a heart attack!! She also rode the ferris wheel!!

Worn out!!! Yes - Rainey is really asleep!


Nonnas News said...

I enjoy going to the fair. Mike and I went two years ago and its fun to see all the exhibits and EAT! You got some cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

How nice to be able to spend time with family.

Tammy Pearson said...

I haven't been since I marched in the band in High School....that is a long time ago....I always loved their candied they still have those side shows?