Monday, October 20, 2008

Tagged times 7

Patti at Nonna's News has tagged me to do this meme. So here goes:

1. My middle name is June.

2. My dad wanted to name me Elvira. (Thank goodness my mom overruled him on that one.)

3. I played on a state championship basketball team my senior year.

4. I was a twirler in high school.

5. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers.

6. I once tried out for the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

7. I have moved 13 times in my 28 years of married life.

I am tagging

Britni at Johnson and Johnson

Amy at Precious Riches

Kylie at Seitz Stories (who is really too busy to even keep up with her blog)

Amy at The Blog

Erin at Taylor Zoo

Lizzie at Hot Tub Lizzie

Kim at Celebrating Everyday Life


Nonnas News said...

I cant see you as an Elvira!!! LOL

AMY said...

You are going to force me to think of interesting things to share. My life has not been that interesting.

Now you have to post some photos of that Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader tryout...YOU KNOW YOU HAVE SOME!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I knew all those things EXCEPT the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader deal... do tell, do tell:) ha

Tammy Pearson said...

Oh Darn, that is what I forgot to do, tag other people.