Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bye Bye!!

Yes - we are waving and saying bye bye!! Rainey has been jabbering da da, mum mum, na na and bye bye. This week we have been working on waving and getting her to jabber bye bye. She has been doing pretty good but today she seemed to really get it. We have waved and said bye bye all day!! It is so sweet and we always praise her and say - yea Rainey and she gets this big old grin on her face!! So sweet!!

The picture is of her waving bye bye. I have a video on my phone but the video quality on my phone is lacking and there is so much background noise that you can't hear her but you can see her mouth saying bye bye as she is waving. I will try to get a good video to post!


Nonnas News said...

Awww so sweet! Avery can wave bye bye now too. And she jabbers a lot!

Kim said...

oh...they grow up way to fast....right before our eyes.

Miss Rainey is beautiful!!!
