Wednesday, June 11, 2008

8 months old

Wow- time really does fly!! Rainey is 8 months old. Seems like just yesterday I was speeding south to try to get there for her birth.

Now she is jabbering away and sometimes it is "na na na" which I believe she is trying to say Granna. :) She is holding her own bottle and eating everything we give her. And oh my goodness is she ever mobile!!! She is crawling everywhere and is into everything!! If she sees any kind of cord-that is where she is headed! She pulls up on everything and will go from one thing to another-she may be walking in the near future. She knows how to open the cabinet doors and pulls out whatever is in them. She has been so much fun! She is such a sweet cuddler. She only cries when it is time to eat or time to sleep! When it is nap time she lays her head on your shoulder and goes to sleep. At bedtime we just put her in her crib and she doesn't fuss a bit. She loves her big brother and he loves her. He can make her laugh and it is so cute. She is a sweetheart!


Kim said...

Little Fashionista...ADORABLE!!!!


Nonnas News said...

Happy 8 months Rainey!!