Sunday, March 2, 2008

No luck...

I guess I have no Irish blood. My sister, Ann and I shopped all day yesterday and I had no luck finding the right dress for Kylie's wedding. We left at 7:00 a.m. and headed to Frisco. We shopped there until about 4 or so and then went over to Terry Costa. Still no luck. We stopped in Rockwall with still no luck!!! I do still have some time to look but I want the perfect dress to just jump out at me and say- here I am!! My niece is getting married this weekend and I couldn't even find a dress for her wedding either. Am I too picky or what??? However I did find a sweet little bikini for Rainey. heehee She will need it to swim in Granna's pool this summer during Camp Granna.

Oh yes - and let me mention mine and Chandler's favorite eating joint one more time!! You know I have raved over Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers. Well..I had a comment on one of my first posts about Cane's thanking me for the nice comments and such and left a phone number because they were going to send me a surprise. I was a bit skeptical at first so I did a reverse look up with the number and sure enough it was a real Raising Cane's. The lady and I played phone tag a couple of times and then finally made a connection. They were wanting to thank me by doing something nice and she needed my address. Of course my family teased me that they were sending a lawsuit because I used a pic from their website, but no...I got a nice letter from the vice-president of Marketing and a $10.00 gift card so Chandler and I can go back to Cane's next time I go visit my children.

The actual letter stated...
"Thanks again for writing such nice things about us on your blog. It really means a lot to us that someone would actually go out of their way to mention us on something as personal as their blog. Well we are going to return the favor and go out of our way to do something nice for you. We will be sending you a $10.00 gift card so you can take Chandler back for some more great Chicken Fingers on us!"

That is one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me. I was so shocked that when I talked to the Lady from Cane's that I forgot to ask how she came across my post about Raising Cane's but anyway...I will definitely be going back. My kids tease me a lot because Chandler and I go every time I visit and they act like the workers probably know me by name. I may buy a t-shirt next time!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

The perfect dress is out there just waiting for you to take home!!!

That's really neat that Cane's did such a nice thing for you!