Thursday, February 28, 2008

New hat, new shoes, new dress - mall, here I come!

Little Princess got a new hat for the spring.

Chandler got new cleats for t-ball.

And I have got to find a new dress for my baby girl's wedding. My sister and I are going shopping on Saturday. Any suggestions on places to look?? I am determined to find a pink one so wish me luck.


Nonnas News said...

Good luck on your shopping trip! I'll be doing the same thing with Ashley and Avery Saturday! We are all three looking for dresses. Aaron has moved the wedding day to March 15th!! Thats in TWO weeks!! His fiance got a job offer in Texarkana, and they decided to just have a small family wedding and just go ahead and get married so she can move up there with Aaron and start the new job. Wish me luck too!!

Kim said...

If that is not a CUTIE pie then I don't know what is....she is ADORABLE!!!....i think you need to come and see me and Mr. Max next time they come for a visit....I need to take pictures!!!

and Chandler looks so but with those BIB boy cleats....he is still suppose to be Rainey's age...they grow up entirely to fast!
