Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fast paced, mad dash...

Well...I haven't had a chance to tell you about my trip to see my precious grandkids last weekend. I actually took off half a day of school because we needed to do some wedding stuff errands and I didn't want to spend all day Saturday doing that because I had trucks and cars to play with. I showed up on their doorstep at about the time I would normally leave from school. Chandler said, "That should be Granna" and ran for the door. The girls were telling him not to open the door because Granna just got out of school and it would be nighttime before I arrived and that he didn't know who was at the door, blah, blah, blah...But he was right. It was Granna!!! Chandler had told me that I had to stay 2 days because there were 2 places that he wanted to go eat. Oh course one of those is our all time favorite-Raising Cane's-that I have mentioned before. It really is a good place to eat and everytime I have been- and I have been there a lot- the workers are so nice and friendly and the restaurant is clean. They have Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers in Texas (Nacogdoches, Dallas, Houston), Louisiana, Alabama, and other places so if you happen to pass by one- stop in and try it!!!
We ran our errands and then waited for Chuck and Steven to get into town. Chandler always gets the kid's box that has chicken strips and french fries. I always get an extra piece of toast with mine instead of french fries to give to Chandler and then he shares his fries with me. It's a win win situation!! The kids box also comes with Cane stickers so Chandler shares his stickers with everyone at the table. We all have to wear our stickers while we eat. It is pretty funny. Chandler has a paw sticker on his head!!
Anyway...on Saturday we looked for bridesmaids' dresses with no luck so we went home and ordered some Kylie had seen on line that she thought would be cute. Chandler and I played cars and trucks and Chandler, Chuck and Steven played on the Wii. I had to come back home on Sunday but Chandler and I did get a little outside playing time since the weather was really nice!
Little Miss Rainey was such a sweet girl. She is rolling over and "talking" (one time I think she said Granna). :) She loves cereal and will not let you forget when it is time to eat or when she thinks it is time to eat!!

Don't wake the princess!!
I can't wait for this next weekend. All of the kids will be home for a very special birthday!!! Our precious Chandler will be 5 years old!!! So I need to get to cleaning on this house and get ready to p-a-r-t-y, party!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend with those cute grandkids and kids!