Sunday, February 17, 2008

In love...

I fell deeply in love with a beautiful blond headed boy and that precious little boy will be 5 years old this week. Chuck and Britni didn't want to find out if they were having a girl or boy when they were expecting Chandler. Kylie and I got to be in the room with Chuck and Britni when Chandler was born. That was way exciting!! He weighed almost 9 pounds and had the sweetest, softest, velvety skin. This week I am devoting my posts to my precious first grandson. We are having a big birthday bash at Granna's house this weekend and the theme is cowboys! Chandler and Uncle Steve
This picture was taken when Chandler was 2. My brother came over to help Robert work cattle and they took a break and let Chandler ride.

Chandler and I have always been big buddies because I do whatever he wants. :) I would cross my fingers and say, "Chandler and Granna are like that." And still today I can ask him if we are "like that" and he will say yes!! When he was younger sometimes he would cross both fingers and say, "both of them." So sweet!!! I cannot imagine life without Chandler. I don't know what I did with myself before he came into our lives!!


Nonnas News said...

Sounds like there is going to be lots of fun this weekend at your house! I hope Chandler has the best birthday ever!!

Kim said...

I cannot believe he is already five. He is a little doll and has a personality that is as cute as he is...And that's REALLY cute!!!!
