Monday, February 18, 2008


Not only is my little grandson the most wonderful, handsome little boy ever- he is also smart!! One day we were driving down the road headed to my house and we passed by this house where we took Austin, Alyssa, Hayden, Little Brittany and some others' prom pictures one year. Now Chandler had only been to this house once. As we passed by he said, "that's where we took Austin's picture." I said, "It sure is. Chandler, you are so smart. He said, "Yeah, I know stuff." He was probably 3 at the time. We have laughed at some of his other Chandler-isms. He used to say "flash of light" for flashlight. He wanted to watch "Little Worm-aid". He likes to use the "commote retroller" (remote control). And he can do magic- he says "Africa, Africa" (abracadabra). Chandler has always loved to be read to and of course I love to read to him!! One day we were going to play a game and he said he needed to read the "ections" (directions). He also likes to read (and eat) Green Eggs and Ham. In this case it is actually green eggs and Vienna Sausages. :) Chandler likes to carry his "pack pack" (back pack) and he has good manners when he uses his "mapkin" (napkin). When he was younger he would say, "Pay me, Granna. Pay me." And so we play!!


AMY said...

I love the Chandler-isms. Kid talk makes me giggle and giggle. There is just nothing cuter. Thanks for sharing your special little sayings. I think I really like the "I know stuff". That might just be a new catch phrase at our house.

Nonnas News said...

What sweet Chandler-isms. He is such a cute little guy!! I know your looking forward to the big birthday bash this weekend! Have fun!!

Nonnas News said...

I know this week is supposed to be all about Chandler, but I have another award for you. You can post about it next week if you wish, just wanted you to know its there for you!
Have a blessed day!

Kim said...

Love the Chandler-isms...(chanting)I want more, i want more, i want more!!!...that boy is a hoot!