Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Camp Granna 2005

Britni was showing Chandler the website last night and she showed him the first post with Chandler and I crossing our fingers. He was about 2 in the picture. He looked at the picture and said, "Man, Granna looks way young." Little turkey!!

Okay- so I told you that I might let you read the book about the first Camp Granna. Remember that I am no published author and I will just post parts of the book so here goes!!

The forward . . .This book is dedicated to my wonderful, precious, 1st grandson, Chandler Richard Johnson, who is such a joy!! You are such an intelligent, good natured and very handsome little boy. You are so much fun to be with and you are such an inspiration with your cute expressions and angelic voice. “Pay me, Granna. Pay me.” (translation- Play with me, Granna. Play with me.) And so we play!! I love you so very much, Chandler!! Granna

Page 1 . . .
Camp Granna is a very special place. It’s a place where little boys rule.
My mommy and daddy let me go to Camp Granna for the very first time during the summer of 2005. I had never been away from my mommy and daddy for a whole week before and they didn’t know what to expect. But I had a pretty good idea that I would have lots of fun at this camp.

Camp Granna began on Monday. The cook for the day, Granddad, made breakfast. It was cinnamon toast with lots of butter, cinnamon and sugar. And to drink, my personal favorite, choc, better known to most people as chocolate milk.
After breakfast we went to church to learn about Jesus. I didn’t care too much for the first class I was taken to so I just went with the camp counselors, Granna and Granddad, to their class.

On Monday we took a field trip to a farm in Cooper, Texas. We went to the farm where Granna lived when she was a little girl. This is also the place where she lived when she met Granddad. The house was built in 1960 and Granna’s family moved in when she was 6 months old. I got to take my dump truck and bulldozer. I got to haul and dump rocks with Aunt Tina while Granna and Granddad visited with Uncle Steve.

On Tuesday the theme was cowboy day. Uncle Steve came to help Granddad work cows. He brought his horse, Todd, and his puppy, Bruce.

For breakfast we had Granna’s famous Sugar Pies. After breakfast, Granna took me to get my haircut while Granddad, Uncle Austin and Uncle Steve worked the cows. After my haircut we bought barbeque for their lunch. After lunch the real fun began. I got to ride on Uncle Steve’s horse all by myself. And I also got to play with the puppy and watch Uncle Austin ride on the horse.

On Wednesday was movie day. I got to choose whatever movie I wanted to watch. I chose “The Fox and the Hound”. It is a very exciting movie about the friendship of a fox named Todd and a hound named Copper. I got to watch the movie as many times as I wanted.

On Thursday was Granna’s birthday. We just played all day. We played with cars and trucks. We played golf. We read books. We went swimming. And I got to talk to Mommy and Daddy any time I wanted.

On Friday we took Austin to catch the van to go to church camp. It rained and rained on the way to the church. After we left Austin, we played in the rain. We rain through puddles in the parking lot with Aunt Ann. When we got home, Granna and I splashed in mud puddles and mud squished up between our toes. Later that night, Mommy and Aunt Ky Ky came to visit me at Camp Granna.

On Saturday we went on another field trip around town. We went to Moe Joe’s to rent some movies. I got “Bob the Builder”. Then we went to see Aunt Ann. I got to play with a train set at her house.

Camp Granna was the best! I had a great time. I helped Granddad check his cows and he even let me drive his pickup. I got to help Uncle Austin mow the yard. Granna let me get my exercise by jumping on her bed and most days I didn’t even have to take a nap. We read bible stories at night and I got to sleep with Granddad and Granna.

I hope Mommy and Daddy will let me go back next summer!!

1 comment:

AMY said...

My absolute favorite post! You are such a great Granna. Chandler and Rainy are blessed to have such a special relationship with you guys. You make is sound like such fun...I wanna come to Camp Granna!