Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blessings Award

I have been awarded with the "blessing award" by my sweet friend, Patti, at Nonna's News. Thank you, Patti, for passing it on to me. Patti was my inspiration for starting a blog. She was already an established blogger when our daughters, who were good friends in school, had baby girls on the same day. By reading her blog she seemd to enjoy posting and sharing pictures and I thought it would be fun and Patti was most encouraging!! I love to check her page everyday to see what is happening in her life and view pictures of her family. This is what she had to say - "I've known Lisa for several years. It's been a blessing knowing Lisa and her family. Her daughter and mine have been great friends through school. They had their daughters on the exact same day! So we have a lot in common. I'm so thankful that Lisa decided to start a blog!"

I have such a huge list of blessings and some of the most recent include a safe trip this weekend to see my son-in-law, my 2 precious daughters, my soon to be son-in-law and my wonderful grandchildren and a safe trip back home to my wonderful husband and son. I am also blessed with sweet family and friends, good health, a good job, and special memories. Thank you again, Patti, for this award. I would like to pass this on to 2 special people. There are more that have blessed me but they have already received the award.

First, my precious daughter, Britni at Johnson & Johnson. She is such an inspiration to me. She and her husband worked hard to finish school while raising a little one and holding down jobs. She is such a good mommy to my precious grandchildren and she is such a sweet friend!!

Second, my friend, Amy, at Precious Riches. Her blog is always fun and inspiring and she has such a sweet spirit.

I hope you all enjoy this special "Blessings Award". You have all been a blessing to me!

1 comment:

AMY said...

Thanks for the blessing! It is nice of you to say such sweet things. I enjoy your blog so much. I love to read and get your perspective on parenthood. Since my kids are younger, it is nice to see the steps of a mother with wise perspective who loves the Lord and raised her kids accordingly. Thanks for sharing.