Monday, February 11, 2008

4 months old

The little princess is 4 months old today. Rainey is such a sweetheart. She is rolling over from her back to her tummy and when I was there this weekend she rolled from tummy to back- or at least that is how I found her a 4:35 a.m. Sunday morning. I heard her little musical aquarium thing start playing and then it went off. That woke me up and I couldn't figure out what was going on but I figured that the music would wake her up so I went in and she was on her back just cooing and kicking her legs. She had actually kicked the aquarium and made it come on and then kicked it again and it went off. Her hair is growing slowly. It is going to be brown and she still has those beautiful blue eyes. She looks just like her big brother, Chandler except for the hair color. She gets so excited when Chandler is near her. She sqirms and kicks her legs and smiles real big! She likes her cereal and she will not let you forget when it is time to eat. She wants to sit up so badly. She won't hardly lay down at all. She raises her head like she is trying to get up. She will be sitting up before we know it. When she takes her bottle she rubs her head with her right hand. It is so sweet. Check Johnson and Johnson and look at the video clip. She has her 4 month old check up today. I am anxious to see how long is and see how much she weighs. Grandchildren are the greatest!

Addendum: At her check up today, Rainey weighed 14 lb. 12 oz. and she is 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile with her height).


Nonnas News said...

What sweet pictures of Granna and her baby girl! She is really growing! Avery goes for her 4 month check up today, and I'm anxious to see what her weight,etc. is too. Keep the posts coming!!

Kim said...

Grannalisa looks to be in heaven!!

You know she is going to be tall. Future model. She is ADORABLE!!


AMY said...

I saw Robert at church. He was so cute talking about your blog and Britni's post about the diaper change. You've got one sweet husband that is crazy about his family!