Monday, January 28, 2008

Watch out, Ken...there's a new banker in town!! :)

My little boy started his new job today. Austin started working at the bank here in town. He was excited. I like it when he gets dressed up. He looked so handsome today in his khakis, shirt and tie and I just had to post some pictures!! He is so much fun and is a sweetheart to his proud momma. When he got home from work, I met him outside to take some pictures. I said, "Austin, I bet those ladies at work are glad they hired you. You look so handsome." He said, "Mom, tell me something I don't know!" Little goober!!

My sweet boy!!


Nonnas News said...

awww FNB got a great employee! Wish we had someone like him over at GBB!!
What a handsome young man he is!

Kim said...

And what a HANDSOME banker he is!!!!

I love that kid!!!

By his comment it sounds like he has been hanging around Hayden a little too

I am honestly so thankful that Hayden and Austin are best friends. They are GREAT kids and we are blessed mamas!!!!!

Love you,

AMY said...

All the ladies like a sharp dressed man with a winning smile...Look out world, here comes one!