Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lazy daze...

That's me today. In a lazy daze!! I decided after school yesterday to go to Wal-Mart since the weather was supposed to be too cold today to do anything outside - I needed a few essentials and some things for some projects that I am working on. So...Robert got Austin off to work this morning at 5:30 and then we slept in. Yes - I do sometimes feel guilty on the weekends when Austin has to get up in the wee hours of the morning to go to work, but I stay in bed until the guilt goes away. :) Like Austin does every other morning when I have to get up in the wee hours of the morning and go to work and he stays in bed until noonish. So far today I have watched 2 of the 3 movies that I rented, got caught up on The Young and the Restless and put together a little cabinet that I am going to put in my bathroom that I have been redoing. And yes, I am still in my flannel pajamas. Oh well...


AMY said...

That sounds like a GREAT day. I never put on make-up today and I call that relaxing. Andrew and I snuggled up at home while Mark and Mason worked at the house. I cooked a yum dinner and plan to veg out the rest of the night. Great minds think alike!

Kim said...

It sounds like it won't be long and precious sweet angel Austy won't have to get up in the wee hours in the morning to go to work...Paul is really excited :-)

I didn't veg today but here are my plans for tomorrow. D-NOW will be over and I'm going to church and a quick put up the house from the weekend. Lunch and then the rest of the day VEG CITY.....maybe a movie while Mr. Max naps and then the Aristocats when he wakes up....his new favorite....I'm not going to church tomorrow night it's veg veg veg....I love doing that when Paul is at home and will veg with me...most of the time he is working on some project....but since Max had strolled into our lives Paul seems to have MUCH less projects or different projects such as toddler Legos...if you could see some of the things he builds....I always build the same thing....and then Max's job is to knock them down...we are having so much fun with that lil I'm looking forward to Sunday afternnon....I might even put on my didn't know I was going to write you a novel.hehehe

Hugs to you my dear friend,

Nonnas News said...

Your my kinda girl!! I cant miss the Young and the Restless!! hehe Thank goodness for Tivo!!

We have to have lazy daze now and then!!